
Full Working Proficiency

Arabic/Egyptian Arabic

Intermediate Proficiency

While at Pitt, I studied French, as well as Modern Standard and Egyptian Arabic. I chose these languages because of my love for the Francophone world and my curiosity and passion for the Arabic speaking world. I also chose these languages because they are pivotal to the field in which I want to work. Because I know these languages, I can better connect with people and foster a sense of trust and understanding between them and I. Culture and ways of life are often intertwined with languages, and I believe a person cannot truly know someone and his or her culture without knowing his or her language, as well.

Learning languages also makes traveling more fun! I’ve traveled through both France and Egypt, and I felt I was better able to enjoy my experiences. I was more confident in these countries and I got the most out of my travels. I engaged more fully with the people I met and the places I saw, and I went off the beaten path because I knew I could communicate successfully. Furthermore, by traveling with these languages, it affirmed that my means of learning them were working, and I returned knowing I could continue just how I was. It is thrilling and rewarding to learn languages, and I love using them regularly. It is one of my favorite parts of my education.


FR 0003: Intermediate French 1

FR 0004: Intermediate French 2

FR 0006: Special Topics in Conversation and Culture

FR 0020: France in the 21st Century

FR 0021: Approaches to French Literature

FR 0027: The French Atlantic

FR 0055: French Conversation

FR 0056: Written French 1

FR 0058: Advanced French Conversation

FR 0080: Modern French Novel

FR 1032: Advanced Grammar and Stylistics

FR 1052: Special Topics: l’Histoire de l’Art

FR 1905: Internship in French


RELGST 1450: Islam, Law and Politics

ARABIC 0001: Egyptian Arabic 1

ARABIC 0002: Egyptian Arabic 2

ARABIC 0003: Egyptian Arabic 3

ARABIC 0004: Egyptian Arabic 4

ARABIC 0005: Egyptian and Levantine 5

ARABIC 0006: Egyptian and Levantine 6

ARABIC 1115: Readings in Arabic

ARABIC 1625: Arab Cinema

    Les evenements du 27 octobre 2018

    Sarah Sellers
    Publication year: 2018

    Mes aventures a Marseille

    Sarah Sellers
    Publication year: 2018

    Un apres-midi francais

    Sarah Sellers
    Publication year: 2018

    أفكاري في الإعلانات

    Sarah Sellers
    Publication year: 2018

    الأعيد في الشرق الأوسط

    Sarah Sellers
    Publication year: 2018