Study Abroad Reflections

I traveled to Cuba for two weeks to study travel writing.  We were based on out La Habana, but traveled all over the country including to Trinidad, a world heritage site, Matanzas, where the first slave rebellion happened, and Las Terrazas, an ecological preserve.  We also visited La Picadora, an agrotourism and ecological sound farming community, where we went on a hike, attended a fiesta, and helped cook dinner with the locals, and spent the night camping there.  I was submersed in the Cuban culture through dance, food, and music.  We spent our days touring the historical sites of Cuba and learning from the locals.  I had no experience with the Spanish language beforehand, but after learning some phrases from the people at the hotel we stayed in, it enriched the experience even further.  I outlined my experience as part of my course requirement.

Rizk- As Cuba Changes