Publication year: 2019

Below is the abstract from the research paper I wrote on my study abroad program in Colombia. If you would like to view the entire paper, please contact me.


The purpose of this study was to use a survey and personal interviews to understand to what extent the population of Manizales, Colombia was complying with government policies regarding food waste. 120 participants, two university professors, and two supermarkets contributed qualitative and quantitative data to answer this question. Survey results were analyzed based on the type of question as well as by separating respondents based on factors of education level, gender, age, and income range. Results indicate that while majorities of residents of Manizales are aware and worried about food waste, more efforts are needed to increase the prevalence of habits that lead to the reduction of food waste. The absence of government action to mitigate the problem is a major barrier to reducing food waste at the city, department, and national level.