
Project Manager(Majaica LLC)

Here I help to assisted with the expansion of the Jackson Hogue Philip Contextualized Stress Measure, a measure aimed at capturing the experiences of stress and stress mediators for African American Women. My role was to conduct literature reviews on Black maternal mental health, perinatal mental health and provide an environmental scan of related organizations committed to issues of equity, social justice, and anti-racism.

Focus Group Facilitator (University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health)

Here I assisted as an interviewer for a graduate student project investigating the “Effects of Perceived Racism  on Adverse Birth Outcomes in Black Families”. I helped to interview   Interviewed staff members, community health workers, and Healthy Start participants on the  racial experiences that Black women face during pregnancy.

Pediatrics: Bench to Bedside Honors Class

This course was an honors course through UPMC Children’s Hospital. I worked on an independent research project that investigated  the effect of maternal diabetes on embryonic kidney development.

Research Assistant(UPMC Aging Institute )

As a research assistant  I assisted with the investigation the pathogenesis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis using in vivo and in vitro models at the Mora lab. This project was fully funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).