Pittsburgh Medical Reserve Corps

When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit and in-person classes were cancelled, I received an email asking if I would like to join the Medical Reserve Corps in order to help with screening patients in the hospital. I jumped at the opportunity to help out. The Medical Reserve Corps is a volunteer organization comprised of community members who assist in the event of an emergency. For the first few months, I screened patients and employees entering UPMC hospitals, making sure no one was entering who didn’t need to. As time went on, and the vaccine was developed, I was given the opportunity to work with the Allegheny County Health Department and the MRC to vaccinate health care providers and those 65+. The experience has been extremely rewarding as I get to share this moment and feeling of relief with so many different types of people. While I personally have helped administer over 400 vaccines, that feeling of excitement has yet to go away. Pictured to the right is me administering a COVID-19 vaccine to the 80 year-old mother of the University of Pittsburgh’s Vice Provost.

Here is a link to the Medical Reserve Corps if you are interested in volunteering or learning more!


COVID-19 Vaccine Administration