Community Engagement

JFCS & ARYSE After School Club:

In Fall 2019 I began to volunteer with the Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS) organization as well as the Alliance for Refugee Youth Support and Education (ARYSE) in their After School Program. This program sought to offer refugee and immigrant children the opportunity to come together after the school day to work on homework as well as enjoy non-academic activities with others.

My role in this position was to work with children in grades kindergarten – middle school to assist them in homework, overcoming language barriers to do so. Before this experience, I was unaware of the issue that children who migrate to America face in terms of their education.

During times of immigration children may miss years of education and when they come to America they may be placed far below their academic ability level due to language barrier problems or conversely be placed in a grade far above what they should be due to their missing necessary education due to displacement. Both result in negative, discouraging experiences for the student.

By becoming part of this organization, we provide assistance that parents may be unable or lack the time to give to their children. I have built not only strong bonds in teaching these children, but friendships in learning about their cultures and experiences. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to implement global studies into my life here in Pittsburgh.