The global studies courses I have taken allowed me to delve into the past, present, and future of globalization. In terms of cultural dynamics, these are the courses that first introduced me to the collision of cultures and how they affect each other so easily, particularly as technology becomes more and more advanced. These courses have allowed me to consider the ways in which we impact the world as Americans, and how that impact can be both positive and negative. I have also gained a greater empathy for cultures that I typically thought I was unable to understand.

Coursework Descriptions

Intro to Global Studies was the best course to help me understand what it meant to study the subject of globalism. This was one of the first courses I took at Pitt that really helped me to understand the world as a whole and showed me the ways my own government can make movements that affect the whole world. To my first year self, this was a completely novel concept.


We covered a range of topics from current events, politics, historical events, world health, crime rates, etc. Through the coursework, this class aimed to introduce us to the Global Studies department at Pitt. Our writing revolved around critiques of current articles in the international studies realm. The course also required that you attended various campus events that were influenced by culture and globalization. This was an awesome assignment as it really allowed each of the class members to experience a different side of campus and report back with their findings.

As another course I took in my freshman year, I was totally amazed at how a simple concept such as literature could affect people around the world. We did lots of reading in this course from authors of diverse nationalities. Their styles were all so different, but they all reflected themes of their own culture. This course taught me how to recognize these themes in individuals and to consider how this could impact their story. I often used what I learned from the historical side of the Intro to Global Studies course to inform myself about what was going on in the world when these authors chose to tell their stories.


Coursework involved analyses of the literature and how it related to globalization. We also looked at the ways these and other books impacted the world. A very interesting project in this class involved picking a book and analyzing it’s place in the world: how many languages it had been printed in, which countries it was published in, and how popular it was in each of those regions, etc. This course showed me that like literature is one of many ways that the world connects together.

This course really helped me to understand the concept of cultural dynamics. Art is, and always has been, a huge indicator of culture. It has displayed the values, power, and history of numerous cultures for centuries. In this course we looked at a number of famous pieces of art with a critical eye in order to consider the cultural implications. We often used historical references to understand the background behind the art. In this course, I was able to truly see how different cultures value different things.


Our writing assignments in this course were to discuss art from this cultural value standpoint, and to consider the implications of various details. We also spent time in modern art museums around the city to compare this with the historical elements we had previously examined to get a better sense of our own culture here in America.

This course taught me about a historically oppressed culture right in my own back yard. Throughout the semester, we focused on the history of African Americans, dating back to pre-slavery. Class discussion often revolved around what it means to be African versus what it means to be African American. We focused on the culture that was forged within oppression and reflected on how the growth of this culture still has implications on the population today. I really enjoyed the cultural dynamics of this class as it pointed out that culture is so much more than nationality, rather it is about who you and others perceive you based on your cultural identity.


Related to my other courses, this course showed me that a globalizing world was in the works much earlier than I had previously thought! Assignments in this class required us to compare modern African American culture and trends with those of the past and consider the changes that historical and cultural implications have made.

This course was a fantastic introduction to the way globalism has affected cultures around the world. We really looked at the impact of culture and not only on a societal scale, but also how it affects our daily concepts of family, preferences, fears, and even violence. One of the most interesting readings focused on the reasons some people of the Muslim faith turn themselves into human bombs. This kind of analysis really helped me to gain a more open and understanding outlook on aspects of certain cultures that at first appear foreign, pointless, or strange.


One of the major assignments in this class required us to take an outside perspective of our own families. This really showed me that due to differing culture, even amongst individuals living in the same country, we all define family differently. Our pasts have shaped us all to be where we are currently. To think of this on a global scale, has really allowed me to increase my empathy toward individuals in other cultures that I do not identify with.

Taking this course as a senior, I was truly able to tie together my personal interests in global studies with my future career in social work. As social workers, it is important to have a competent understanding of how culture impacts people, and this course gave great insight into how cultural or language barriers can affect the client if not dealt with appropriately. This class taught me all about resources available to immigrants and individuals from other cultures. I learned the importance of looking at clients through multiple, intersectional lenses.

Other Relevant Courses

This course taught me all about feminism: the history of the different waves, the aims of the movement, and even what it means to be a feminist. This was a great supplement to my global studies coursework as it continued to increase my awareness of intersectionality and privilege. I also learned about how feminism is a global issue, not just a movement within the confines of the United States. Men and women around the globe are continuing to fight for women’s rights, and that is just another awesome aspect of living in a globalized world.

I took this class during my study abroad trip and learned so much about how culture and politics interact. I learned all about the history of U.S. aid in African nations and how the preconceived notions our society holds about Africa came to be. It was also interesting to be learning all of this within the environment as it allowed me to get the perspectives of local people. From politics to celebrities, it was awesome to see how much citizens in South Africa know about current events in the U.S. This course really enhanced my global studies coursework by allowing me to step outside of my comfort zone and into a culture quite different from my own.