Independent Research

Bacas, E. (2019). Sociophonetic variation in Bolivian Quechua uvular stops. Undergraduate thesis, University of Pittsburgh. (Unpublished).

Bacas, E. (2018, October). Realizations of Uvular /q/ in Bolivian Quechua. Poster presented at the fifth annual Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition in Hispanic and General Linguistics.

Camacho Rios, G., Bokan, T., and Bacas, E. (2019, November). On the importance of Quechua Linguistics for Educators (Quechua: Linguistica Quechua yachachiqkunapaq). Workshop presented at 2019 Quechua Alliance Meeting at The Ohio State University.

Clockwise from top left: poster presentation at the fifth annual Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition in Hispanic and General Linguistics, workshop co-presented at 2019 Quechua Alliance Meeting at The Ohio State University, another photo from the Quechua Alliance Meeting, thesis defense.