For my first time abroad, I spent an entire five weeks studying Swahili, East African Healthcare, and East African Culture. Outside of my studies, I visited the beach, the mall, museums, several restaurants, the market, go on a safari, and hike.

I stayed at a medical college and I was able to meet Tanzanian students my age who were also interested in the medical field. I was able to learn more about the customs and techniques used in Tanzanian Healthcare in addition to learning about the different common health concerns of the country. While there, I was able to gain field experience as well as classroom experience in learning about diseases in East Africa such as TB, cholera, and HIV, as I visited Health Clinics and Hospitals all across the country. I got to pick the brain of health practitioners in biowestern medicine in the hospitals, clinical doctors in the villages, and traditional healers.

The overarching theme in Tanzania was a more personable approach to life. The American way is to simply focus on production and performance however, Tanzanians focus on the person and values. This greatly reflected in the doctor-patient relationship and inspired me to bring ensure that I bring aspects of this approach to my practice as a healthcare practitioner. I also decided to take this to my relationships with my family and friends, as life is short and you should take the time to value those you love.